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What Advantages Does a GPS Watch Offer to a Pilot?

18th Dec 2022

Commercial aircraft use a variety of references, including GPS, radio aids, and an inbuilt inertial reference system, to navigate with pinpoint accuracy. The systems have varying degrees of accuracy, with GPS being the most precise (similar to a car's sat nav), but there are also a number of other systems, like an internal navigation system that doesn't use any external references and some radio beacon receivers that are used for specific flight phases, like the departure or arrival and approach segments. While these systems are designed to be fail-proof, there is no harm in having a backup or supplementary GPS device. One of the best options you can go with as a pilot is a wristwatch with GPS. 

The Garmin D2 Delta makes a great choice for both beginners and experienced pilots. It is not only sleek but also very reliable when you need GPS. There are several reasons why you should consider getting a GPS watch as a pilot. Here are the main ones. 

GPS Confirmation 

While pilots are trained to trust the onboard systems, there may come a time when they have doubts. The last thing you want is to have no way of disputing your doubts while you are 33,000 feet in the air. To avoid such situations, you can have a GPS watch. These devices are built for adventure. With the right brand that has the features you want, refuting your doubts will be a breeze. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the reading on your cockpit GPS match with those on your portable GPS, in this case, your GPS watch. 

Map Your GPS Coordinates

The cockpit system might never fail throughout your career. This means the need to confirm your coordinates may never arise. However, there will be times when you want to track your exact GPS coordinates for later viewing. This is important when you want to return to a certain spot while flying or on the ground. Instead of manually entering the coordinates on your notepad, you can easily save them on your GPS watch. This feature is also vital when touring a new city. You can use the GPS watch to mark the position of your hotel or favorite restaurant. 

Sync Your Flight Plan 

Smartwatches like the Garmin D2 Delta come with a feature that enables you to sync up your flight plan. When you are connected to the D2 Delta series, the Flight Stream 510 transfers your flight plan changes automatically to the D2 Delta. This means your GPS watch will know your flight plan. 

Additional Features

GPS is not the only thing you will get from the Garmin D2 Delta. The smartwatch packs a range of other valuable features which means you can tap into a range of physiological metrics, fitness tracking features, running dynamics, and so much more. 

There are many features packed in the Garmin D2 Delta watch. It is the perfect gift for a pilot. If you are wondering where you can buy it, then Fallon Pilot Shop is the best online shop to shop from. If you have any questions, we would be happy to help.