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Things to Buy at a Pilot Shop

20th Oct 2021

Things to Buy at a Pilot Shop

Every aviation student, a professional pilot, or a loved one passionate about aviation deserves the perfect gift. However, every individual has different preferences when it comes to flying gear. That is why we have numerous options to cater to every person’s likes. Different product categories are available. Some are used regularly, while others are rarely needed but are still good to have around.


A kneeboard is essential in organizing charts, calculators, frequencies, instructions or checklists, and similar flight features. These products also serve several purposes, including providing reminders of flight information, ensuring the hands remain free for flying, and protecting the iPad. Most kneeboards have Velcro straps with enough room to accommodate pens and small notepads. The most recent ones can hold iPads too and may have several compartments. The design keeps them secure above the knee for easier accessibility if you need to note something about the flight.


Headsets are the best things to protect the hearing of the pilots without interfering with communication in the cockpit. The ones you buy should fit snuggly, encourage hands-free and clear communication, and have noise-canceling features. It is important to note that long-term exposure to the noise at the cockpit can cause hearing loss over time. Quality headsets can prevent that from happening.

Sunglasses (non-polarized)

Contrary to what some people may believe, sunglasses are not just a fashion statement in the cockpit. They protect the eyes from the brightness experienced in the higher altitudes. They also shield from flying debris, sudden decompression, reduce eye fatigue, and ensure ultraviolet radiation does not damage ocular tissues.

It is always better to choose non-polarized sunglasses. This is because they do not make it difficult for pilots to view avionic LCD screens, unlike polarized sunglasses.

iPad and sectional charts

Sectional charts are like maps that cover various locations. You can choose electronic charts that enhance awareness in the cockpit better than the older manual models. You can also buy sectional charts for your area only. However, it is always a good idea to have several other locations as backup, especially if you are relying on an iPad. Some of the information on the charts include drainage patterns, contour lines, visual checkpoints, shaded relief, and landmarks.


A flashlight can come in handy during emergencies, but it is also essential in preserving night vision. Red light is better than white light during flight. It allows the pilots to identify dimly lit elements because it does not saturate the eyes. They can remain adapted to darkness when flying at night. That is crucial when the pilot shifts their vision from the cockpit to the outside.

Fuel tester

Pilots have to check the fuel before every flight. They have to confirm that it is the right type of fuel and the correct quantity. They also check if there is enough reserve. 

At Fallon Pilot Shop, we have many pilot products that may pique your interest. Check them out today.