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Pilot Kneeboards

15th Jun 2022

A kneeboard is an essential commodity for every pilot and student taking flight classes for the first time. The equipment serves various purposes for different pilots, but the common one is that it is an organizational tool in the cockpit. Pilots can access all the information needed from charts, documents, and other paperwork from the kneeboard strapped on their thighs.

Why should you get one?

Going through a flight bag to access the necessary item mid-flight can be dangerous. The divided attention can lead to life-threatening mistakes that compromise the safety of the flight. Kneeboards prevent such a situation. They can hold flashlights, flight computers, notepads, charts, maps, and many other documents the pilot may need during the flight. You can keep all the essential items you need close by and leave the rest in the flight bag.

Kneeboard usage differs with every pilot. For instance, a pilot using a private plane without a commercial passenger may create storage components in various cockpit sections. However, a student who uses different planes will find a kneeboard essential.

Types of Kneeboards Available

Two categories of kneeboards exist.

Electronic devices kneeboards – These kneeboards are devised to accommodate the modern cockpit needs that involve the use of many electronic devices. They have allocated spaces for iPads, phones, and tablets, with some having specifically designed allotments and others adjustable ones. You can choose one that suits the size of your gadget.

Standard kneeboards – Pilots who do not use electronic flight bags can benefit most from the standard kneeboard. It has a more rigid design with enough storage capacity like flaps and extra pockets.

You can pick between a simple and trifold kneeboard depending on the gear you intend to carry. Both options are ideal for IFR and VFR pilots. Unlike the simple kneeboards, the trifold has more pockets on all sides, enhancing its capacity to hold more items.

What to Consider when Choosing a Kneeboard

EFB size

The size of your iPad or Android device is one of the main factors to consider when shopping for a kneeboard. The kneeboard should hold the device securely, especially during takeoff and landing. Consider its capacity to hold other items like pencils or pens and charts. Some pilots prefer to keep electronic gadgets in a yoke or window-mounted holder. In that case, compatibility of the kneeboard with the device may not be fundamental.

Leg positioning

A good kneeboard should serve you whether you are in the right or left seat. Some kneeboards have reversible positioning, so a pilot can use them regardless of their flying position. They also have elastic loops to accommodate paper charts or available electronic devices. A versatile and functional design is more beneficial.

Flight conditions

Sometimes the expected weather conditions determine the items pilots carry in the cockpit. For instance, you may need several charts, including alternates, when approaching some destinations. The kneeboard should have sufficient space to hold additional items like a flashlight, notebook, and pen.  

Fallon Pilot Shop has a wide range of kneeboard brands to consider. Whether you are an IFR or VFR pilot, we have an option for you. We are also available for further assistance.