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Improve your Aviation Knowledge and Succeed in an Aviation Program

18th Sep 2021

If you want to improve your prospects in becoming a pilot, here are a few things that will help you to achieve your goals.

Study widely 

It's best practice to familiarize yourself with the workings of the airplane before you even try flying one. Flying is an out-of-world experience, and every potential pilot would love to be behind the controls of a plane. However, it first pays to understand the mechanisms of flying when your feet are still firmly on the ground.  The faster you master this knowledge, the quicker you will progress through your training program. 

Initially, you must study for your FAA exam.  But it is also vital for you to learn your flight area and be conversant with the maneuvers and checklists. If you enter class B airspace, practicing your radio communication procedures beforehand will make the flight more enjoyable for both you and the instructor.

Chair flying is a great option too

Even in bad weather, when you cannot fly, you can still sharpen your flying skills by using the chair fly. It's easy because all you need is your imagination and a plan to work on a particular activity like memorizing emergency checklists, or perhaps you want to have a better grasp on approach and landing. 

You can draw up your chair and hang a picture of the cockpit on the wall. You want to make this as a near-real experience as possible, so why not ask a friend to join you as an acting co-pilot? Your makeshift flying experience will help you identify the challenges you will face. 

Participate in simulator programs

The Microsoft Flight Simulator program is an excellent procedural trainer, and to learn what to expect when flying in the air. The updated version of this program comes with remarkable graphics, realistic scenes, and sound effects. You can choose to make it cloudy or rainy and even decide to take a night flight. Such training provides you with real-life scenarios of flying.

Here you won't learn "rudder and stick" skills, nor will the program perfect your landing skills. But it helps you to polish your knowledge of traffic patterns, radio communications, and checklist procedures. Computer simulators train you well on instruments, mainly because they follow the airplane you use for training purposes. You can enjoy a simulated flight in different atmospheric zones across the country and practice approaches at various airports. You can speed through the mundane parts of the flight and develop your visionary ability

Develop your visualization and practice

Make it a habit to visualize each flight even before you set foot on the airplane. Focus your mind, then act out every minute detail from pre-flight to landing, including the parking process. When you envisage the flight, it becomes second nature to complete your tasks once you are airborne. 

Even as you visualize your flight before takeoff, discipline yourself to think beyond your regular training procedures. Memorize and practise emergency procedures, and think of unexpected situations like an overwhelming demand in the control tower or severe weather conditions. 

You can put some of the above suggestions into practice. You will experience growth in your aviation knowledge and achieve success in your aviation program.

Fallon Pilot Shop has all of the books and software needed for aviation knowledge. If you have any questions, we would be happy to help so feel free to contact us today