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Flight Safety Gear

11th Feb 2022

Safety is a serious consideration in the aviation industry. Although flights are generally safe, sometimes accidents happen, and the availability of the correct gear ensures the safety of the crew and passengers. Equipment are stored according to their purposes, making them easier to access and use.

Safety Gear

Enhanced emergency medical kits come in handy when crew members need to perform first aid during emergencies. The kits contain several items such as antibiotic ointments, pain relief medication, inhalers, IV administration kits, heart stimulants, self-inflating resuscitation gadgets, and bandages. The quantity of those items depends on the rules by the aviation body of the region. Apart from the crew, any medical expert boarding the flight can use the kit, especially when the issue is beyond the flight attendant’s training.

Flight safety gear also consists of several oxygen systems to cater to different situations. Oxygen levels at high altitudes are not always sufficient, deeming air filtration systems crucial. They convert the unbreathable outside air into breathable air. If they fail, the emergency oxygen systems become active to ensure everyone on board gets sufficient air. Evacuation tools are other critical gear that comes in handy during flight emergencies. Examples include flashlights, escape ropes, and megaphones to help the onboard members share information.

The safety of a flight also depends on the installation of several fixtures on the aircraft. All the wires, screws, bolts, and nuts must be in their respective places for the smooth operation of the airplane. We have several options in our collection, including:

Stainless steel aircraft lockwire – The stainless-steel safety wire does not rust and is perfect for holding hardware like bolts and nuts into the correct position. Vibration and pressure can cause the fasteners to loosen, thus the need for lock wires.

Aircraft wire twisters – Wire twisters come in handy when there is a need for lockwires. The tool enhances safety by ensuring proper use of the safety wires. We have a variety that is efficient and easy to use. They can help you prevent more adverse problems quickly. They aid in the faster repair of less significant issues before they magnify.

Portable ADSB receiver – The wireless receivers are not just easy to use because they are easy to move around, but also because they are wireless. They can show you a lot of information pertaining to the weather, traffic, location, and backup attitude. We have some of the most reliable ones in the market. The longer battery life will ensure you remain safe throughout your flight.

Practical safety management systems guide – Information is also crucial when dealing with aircraft, and we have dependable sources. Whether you want to satisfy your curiosity or venture into the aviation industry in any capacity, our management systems guide will be beneficial. We have other books that you can find resourceful if you are interested in current and future aviation safety.

Fallon Pilot Shop has many other aircraft safety gears for your selection. You can always contact us if you need more information or assistance choosing a suitable one.