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Aviation Headsets: Simple Guide to Find the Ideal One for You

3rd Aug 2021

Aviation Headsets: Simple Guide to Find the Ideal One for You

As technology has advanced, some aviation gear has become obsolete, but there’s one that is yet to be replaced – the aviation headset. Good headsets are a must, even for the most tech-savvy pilot. To find the ideal one for you, prepare to do the research and stick to the ultimate goal – finding a comfortable headset that works well and fits your style needs. 

Are aviation headsets different from the usual gaming headsets?

Today’s aviation headsets are designed with advanced noise-canceling technology and work seamlessly with the audio panel to guarantee the best results. The main difference between them and what you’d normally use to play games or listen to music is their quality and ability to reduce background noise. Airplanes are very loud, and since pilots are constantly exposed to this environment, they risk losing their hearing if they don’t have adequate protection from all that noise. Good quality headsets prevent damage to hearing that can occur gradually over time and become more apparent later in life. 

Find a headset with active noise reduction

The best aviation headsets offer not only some PNR (Passive Noise Reduction) but also a level of active noise reduction. These headsets not only passively reduce noise but are also designed to use electronics to detect any noise in the cockpit and cancel it. Additionally, they are lighter because the technology they use doesn’t require any heavy soundproofing. However, most aviation headsets with some active noise reduction will need a power source.

Comfort is key

Other than noise cancellation, another important feature to consider when finding the perfect headsets is the comfort they offer. A headset that’s just uncomfortable to wear won’t do any good, even if it offers the best noise cancellation. In most cases, lighter headsets are more comfortable than heavier ones. How the weight has been distributed on the device also matters. You’ll want a headset that is extremely light on the headband and heavier on the ear cups for your own comfort.

Check for Bluetooth capability

There are modern headsets that are designed with Bluetooth enabling you to connect to your smartphone and even make calls from the cockpit. You can use the headset to make calls on the ground whenever you need to reach Flight Service teams. Passengers could also use this type of headset to listen to music in flight.

Ensure the cable and plug are compatible

You must ensure that you find the ideal plug that connects to the airplane. Most aircraft have twin plugs, also known as PJ plugs. When you’re not really sure, get the PJ plug headsets because they are the most used in general aviation airplanes. There’s another option known as the 6-pin plug, which allows the headset to draw power from the dashboard, so you won’t need to have batteries. This kind of plug mostly works for the newer planes. Helicopters also use a different plug which is commonly known as a helicopter plug. In general, do your research to understand what type of headset would fit your needs.